The Verified Shungite Blog

AiresTech in-depth analysis and bench test

Debunking Aries LifeTune 1 claims in advertising, and demonstrating a Dr.'s use of his degree to mislead consumers.

AiresTech in-depth analysis and bench test

Debunking Aries LifeTune 1 claims in advertising, and demonstrating a Dr.'s use of his degree to mislead consumers.

My Medical Background

As the only son of asian immigrant parents, my future career was etched in stone the moment I was born. They decreed that I would be a Medical Doctor. I...

My Medical Background

As the only son of asian immigrant parents, my future career was etched in stone the moment I was born. They decreed that I would be a Medical Doctor. I...

Shungite Water Removes Radioactive Compounds: 2...

In 2017, researchers worked tirelessly to come up with a solution to purify the radioactive contaminated water that came as a result of the Fukashima Nuclear Reactor accident. The Fukushima accident...

Shungite Water Removes Radioactive Compounds: 2...

In 2017, researchers worked tirelessly to come up with a solution to purify the radioactive contaminated water that came as a result of the Fukashima Nuclear Reactor accident. The Fukushima accident...

All About Orgonite

A friend of mine purchased this Orgonite "EMF-Blocking" pyramid from a local crystal store, and asked me to test it as she said it did nothing whatsoever. So I tested...

All About Orgonite

A friend of mine purchased this Orgonite "EMF-Blocking" pyramid from a local crystal store, and asked me to test it as she said it did nothing whatsoever. So I tested...

How To Calibrate a Tri-field EMF/EF/RF Meter

Calibration of your meter is necessary to produce sensible readings. In calibrating your meter...

How To Calibrate a Tri-field EMF/EF/RF Meter

Calibration of your meter is necessary to produce sensible readings. In calibrating your meter...

New Radiation Tests - USB Cord is Extremely Hig...

Q. Does the Shungite "block" all EMF's in a room? - this comes from a number of websites that promote the use of type 2 "pyramids" citing optimum square footage limits...

New Radiation Tests - USB Cord is Extremely Hig...

Q. Does the Shungite "block" all EMF's in a room? - this comes from a number of websites that promote the use of type 2 "pyramids" citing optimum square footage limits...