Question: What does Gary wear?
This question comes up so often! Here is a diagram of what I have chosen to wear over years of experience, and why. The shirtlessness is because I feel the most profound effect when it directly touches my skin, and I try very diligently to ensure that my chakra points are covered.
In my research, I have learned that chakra points are the areas of the body with the least resistance to electrical stimuli. This is why they are guidepoints for acupuncture (called dantians)
You can move the pieces around and see what has the most profound effects for you. My very first piece was a genuine Type 2 pendant, and when I put it on - it changed my life. So you can start small, and the relief that you feel will increase your sensitivity to potential for radiation effects, as you will know what synthetic pulses feel like, and how they effect your system.
- The Shungite Circle Cell Plate - This is mounted on the outside of my leather case which protects my Samsung A23 Android. I have a shortcut on the screen to put it on airplane mode AS DEFAULT. I flick the phone on to check mail and chat messages, then flick it off again. Having said that, there was been no other device proven in medical research journals to alleviate harm from EMF radiation - except for Shungite. (watch this video). With cell plates, I have found that it is important to touch them during the call. With your finger touching the plate, you should feel a reduction in "Tingles" or numbness of the hands touching the device. Don't forget that your scrolling finger needs coverage at the wrist - in this case - I use the beaded bracelet identified as number 4.
- The Type 2 Beaded Bracelet - I really love how smooth and comfortable the type 2 beaded bracelet is. It instantly provides relief for anyone with EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) and probably undetected relief from the sensation for those less EHS. They resemble black pearls. I wear these on both wrists, between my watch and my arm, to attenuate any undesirable signal from the mobile device to the rest of my nervous system.
- The Type 2 Tile Bracelet - The feedback I have gotten from the tile bracelets have been remarkable. I love mine. My good friend, Blaine Patton, is a USTA professional and sports coach to the world's top and rising stars in tennis. Owing to a hip surgery, he could barely walk a few steps. When he received the tile bracelet, he instinctively put it on his left ankle, and walked for miles the very next day. I have testimonials of people who haven't had a good night of sleep for decades put it on and sleep soundly for the first time in forever. It calms the heart and soothes the spirit in ways that are hard to express in words!
- Another Type 2 Beaded Bracelet - for my left wrist. It holds the phone, and therefore needs protection.
- Mala Beads!@!!! - Mala beads are imperative to meditative practices. There are 106 beads in my mala bead string, starting with a "master" bead. I lay quietly, starting with the master bead, breath deeply into the diaphragm, and exhale forecefully, mimicking the sound of a wave as it builds (inhale) and crashes (forceful exhale). Then I move to the next bead, and repeat the sequence. If you are triggered by an event, or cellular memory, or are a recipient of anger, this practice will absolutely diffuse negativity. Having difficulty sleeping? Simply lay with the mala beads on your bed sheet, and position your spine over the beads, Imagine that your feet are dissolving into the bed, like sand, and breathe like the sound of waves. You'll be a recipient of healing sleep in no time!
- Type 1 Raw Pendant (ECN) - The pendant is the most important piece for me. It is what started my discovery of Shungite, and the placement of rock to skin, so near to the throat chakra, and extendable to the solar plexus, with its proximity to the heart, is the most impactful sensation. My first piece was a type 2, and it totally blew me away. That was, until I discovered the power of havng a pure, type 1 elite pendant. I like to stress that you will be very well-served with a Type 2 piece - but when you have a rare, type 1 gem around you - it is so much more all-encompassing. Please browse through our testimonials, and hear what other people are saying about the sensation of Shungite!
- My Wedding Ring! - this was a custom gift from the mine. Faith and I had Shungite wedding rings made. Because my fingers do not do well with rings (they're cone-shaped) rings fall off, or cut off my circulation, so I wear it around my neck as a pendant. During our wedding ceremony, my children (12 year old twins) who served as our maid of honor and best man, exchanged the pendants for us to wear. Rings are not available for sale unless we get a lot of requests for them.
- Type 1 Raw Necklace - The absolute sensation of encircling your neck with Type 1 raw stones was for me, indescribable. There was an upswell of energy that started from my lower diaphragm and went up through my crown, and instantly swept over me energetically and since then, I dare not take it off!