What Size Do I Need To Protect A Certain Area?
There is quite a misunderstanding of how Shungite works, as many have been led to believe that anti-EMF products radiate a "protection" area that falls off with distance. Shungite interferes with radiation by dispersing synthetic bombardment by man-made sources, and it does so by profusely bombarding whatever it touches with natural spin.
I have been asked what I mean by "spin", and I am referring to the natural flow and energy of all things natural. I have constantly reminded my children and friends that anything man creates, creates harm to living things. If you think about it, this is true. Anything that is synthesized damages natural living systems, whether it be radiation, cloud-seeding, vaccines, injections of any sort that are synthesized in a lab are foreign to your body, and your body freaks out by having something in it that it has never been trained by evolution to handle.
This video will explain that perimeter protection is a myth, propagated by merchants who would like to make you afraid and insecure in order to buy their protection. This is not a good place to be, energetically.
If someone tells you that an EMF solution will protect you within a certain radius, they are not being honest. This video explains the inverse-square law with regards to distance from emitting source.