As word of Shungite's powerful properties gets out, the proliferation of counterfeit, fake Shungite has exploded. There's nothing I can do to stop EVERYONE from getting ripped off, but I can just put up knowledge so it's available for research. Today's vendor is Etsy
This store claims to sell Shungite - that originated from Raquirite Colombia -

As anyone who knows anything about Shungite knows - Shungite is found in only one single crater lake in Karilya, Russia - and nowhere else on earth. Just to make sure, I checked with ChatGPT Consensus to make sure - and here we are:
He found out that the rock was actually something called, "Jet" which I had never heard of, so I looked it up - and this is what I got:
Jet is not a rock at all - it's derived from wood! No wonder it is so light. This is why I test EVERYTHING, as it is very easy to co-mingle "Jet" with Shungite, or like in this unfortunate experience, is sold as Shungite for a very expensive price: $280 for a block of wood!
As you can imagine, this is very disappointing and hurtful - and - karma is corrective in multiples. I don't know how many people are going to see this - I'll do a YouTube on this but I really wish that there was a way to help people to stop buying fake merchandise.
This is why I started this store - because I wanted there to be at least one reliable vendor that did not sell you fake stones, so that you would naively be duped and have no benefit whatsoever from blocks of wood or - in the case of Amazon Shungite - literal plastic pieces from China - because if people bought that and said, "Shungite does nothing" then how many people would I not be able to connect to Shungite because of a bad reputation?
When I was perusing Etsy, I was shocked at the absolute filth that they are selling as Shungite. Here is a crazy example - $4 Shungite - with a video showing a guy literally grabbing chunks of coal and representing that as Shungite! Come on! (hit play below)
I would love to fix this - because I'd say invariably - the Shungite sold on retail stores is FAKE. We do have customers who try to return these fake rocks for a refund (so they can keep their genuine rocks) which is why we have such a cautious return policy. This is frustrating.